Dec. 18th - Dec. 23rd, 2023

MONDAY December 18th, 2023

Warm up!
2:00 run/bike/row
2 Rounds for quality
8 cat-cow stretch
8 air squats/8 goblet squats 2nd round
8 single arm KB presses
8 glute bridges
:30 each side PVC front rack stretch

Then: 1:00 bottom of squat hold

STRENGTH: 15 minutes to establish a 1 rep. Front Squat. (Dec. 5th)


For time:
Left-arm kettlebell snatches & Right-arm kettlebell snatches
Burpee box jump-overs

♀ 16-kg kettlebell, 20-inch box
♂ 24-kg kettlebell, 24-inch box

TUESDAY December 19th, 2023

Warm up!
2 Rounds for quality
1:00 Tall single under jumps!
5/5 World’s greatest stretch
8 banded good mornings
8 banded rows
8 push ups
8 arch/hollow swings

1:00 each side scorpion stretch

STRENGTH : 15 minutes to establish a 2 rep. Bench Press (Dec.8)



For Time:
Double-Unders or 2x Single unders

WEDNESDAY “Monster Mash-Up” December 20th, 2023

Warm up!
2:00 row/bike/ski
1 Round
5/5 World’s greatest stretch
10 Airsquats
10 single arm DB press each side
10 alternating lunges
10 scap only pull ups
10 push ups

Warm up deadlift and OH lunges


AMRAP 7 minutes:
24 Deadlifts, 225/155#
12 R-arm DB OH Lunge 50/35#
12 L-arm DB OH Lunge

rest 4 minutes

AMRAP 7 minutes:
35 Air Squats
20 Pull-ups
15 Floor DB Bench Press, 50/35

rest 4 minutes

AMRAP 7 minutes:
500m Row
20 V-Ups

TEAM THURSDAY  December 21st, 2023

Warm up!

2:00 run/bike/row

2 Rounds for quality
Walk on toes 50’ (down and back)
Walk on heels 50’ (down and back)
4 inch worms with seal and down dog
8 DB strict press (both arms)
8 bootstappers
8 DB deadlifts

Then: 1:00 each side calf stretch

SKILL : Double - Under skils & progression


For time:

50 cal bike
50 Dumbbell Push Press
100 Weighted box step overs (holding 2 DBs)
50 Dumbbell Deadlifts
50 cal bike

Partition as needed. One partner works at a time. If team of 3, one partner shadows.

FRIDAY December 22nd, 2023

Warm up!

2:00 bike/row/ski/jog
2 Rounds for quality
8 air squats
8 PVC pass throughs
8 PVC good mornings
8 PVC snatch grip deadlifts
8 DB Presses (both arms together)

Then: 1:00 scorpion stretch each side

STRENGTH: 15 minutes to develop a 1 rep. quality Power Snatch (Dec.11)


10 rounds for time of:
5 power snatches (60% of 1 Rm)
10 Barbell roll-outs

SATURDAY December 23rd, 2023

OPEN GYM 0800 - 1000


Dec. 25th - Dec. 30th, 2023


Dec. 11th - Dec. 16th, 2023